Brief | Grillmania was designed as a ‘primitive’ product to be prepared and consumed out in the wild, away from civilization. When we are in the out-of-doors, we can relax and finally be ourselves. We unbutton our stiff collars, change shoes for sneakers and let ourselves go. This is when we feel the raw power, the primal energy that makes us want to roar, run, sing and laugh.For the new label we used the pictures that show people in the out-of-doors letting themselves go wild, literally. We stressed the idea by mildly comparing them to animals. The pictures seem to be inspired by a Bosch triptych. Except that in our pictures everyone has a thing to do: somebody’s sleeping, somebody’s dancing, and somebody’s grilling. Much attention is given to the ‘coded messages’, such as the ancient symbols of fertility, the masculine and the feminine. |