League Against Cancer - "Press 1" by PHNX Awards 2022

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TitlePress 1
Advertiser League Against Cancer
Brand League Against Cancer
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 6
Product National fundraising
Story The League Against Cancer is an NGO / nonprofit organization in Peru that tries to prevent cancer with regular checks in every corner of the country. Every year, with a National Fundraising campaign, they collect the money for next year’s cancer checks in every town and low-income home in the country. With the pandemic, The League Against Cancer went almost at bankruptcy since they couldn’t go out to the streets to do their national fundraising campaign. They were forced to do it fully digital, but no one noticed it. They came to us with the problem and said: “We need exposure to get volunteers, donations, and to make sure that everyone talks about our fundraising campaign”. The thing was that we didn’t have a single dollar to spend.

We created the Campaign called “The League Among All Leagues”. We only asked a famous football player to help us with one story, telling the world that he was changing leagues after becoming the champion of the Arab league, He announced that he was looking for a league in Peru. The world went nuts, they speculated, even ESPN shared the news on Facebook, once André revelived that the League he was signing for was The League Against Cancer, the conversation turned around our client, who is the League where everyone should be playing at. That single story saved The League Against Cancer, getting a historic record of volunteers, a ridicoulous amount of impressions and triple the donations, compensating for last years losts, and getting donations ahead for the netx campaign. And while the campaign put the cancer conversation on the table, the entire government joined the league, and the congress decided to approve the Cancer Law, which grants cancer medical care for all Peruvians.

One Story got us:
+427% increase in volunteers (Historic record)
+400 influencers signed
+6.22 Billion Impressions
+$186 Million earned in free media
+330% increase in donations
+30 Peruvian embassies in the world joined the league
The Entire Government Cabinet Joined the league
+ 20 Municipal Districts joined
+120 Brands signed with the league
The Cancer Law Approved in congress
$0 invested
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Eduardo Grisolle
Executive Creative Director Tin Sanchez
Creative Director Eduardo Meza
Creative Director Carlos Fernandez
Copywriter Luis Felipe Rios
Art Director Fernando Guerra
Graphic Designer Renzo Zapata
Account Director Sara Roif
Account Supervisor Stephanie Loveday
Account Executive Sofía Chinchay
Head of Production Leoni Lizarzaburu
Production Company Producer Katherina Vilcarima