ANAIS Association - "ANAIS Presentation Board RGB" by PHNX Awards 2022

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TitleANAIS Presentation Board RGB
Campaign The Guilt Gifts Puppetry
Advertiser Anais Association
Brand ANAIS Association
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 3
Product Domestic Abuse Awareness
Story The Guilt Gifts Puppetry is the first theatre series where protagonists are actual guilt gift toys donated by genuine victims of domestic violence. Across eight episodes, the toys voiced by famous local actors and brought to life by puppeteers and choreographers unveiled various grim stories of abuse based on actual events witnessed in the household they came from, urging Romanian women in abusive relationships to never postpone reaching out for help.

According to a study by FRA, The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 1 in 4 women in Romania has been through at least one episode of domestic abuse from her partner or spouse. Domestic violence had registered a surge in Romania during the global pandemic, as abusers spent more time in uninterrupted contact with their victims, in a country that already had the most overcrowded households in the European Union. And the ensuing economic crisis made things worse. Abusers use various types of gifts to buy the forgiveness of the victims so the latter would not report the abuse to the authorities or relatives. ANAIS Association, the leading local NGO fighting against domestic abuse, needed to raise awareness about this dangerous phenomenon and raise more funds to help victims.

What if the very toys that kept women captive in abusive relationships would step in to warn others and raise the needed funds in the process.
We collected actual guilt gifts received by former victims of domestic violence and turned them into professional puppets that told the grim stories of abuse, as they happened in real life. Choreographers, dancers, and projection mapping artists volunteered to bring the plays to life in a series of immersive shows that transported viewers in 8 real-life scenarios, each evoking various forms of domestic abuse from emotional to physical, from sexual to financial. Famous Romanian actors volunteered to give each toy a distinctive voice on stage. The first episode launched on Woman’s International Day on and the campaign quickly took over the headlines.

Popular pay-per-view platform Streamerse offered to host the plays and all the earnings were rerouted to the NGO. We teamed up with the leading local streaming platform and all the earnings from the online tickets were directed towards the cause.

Leading mainstream channel PRIMA TV offered to cover the topic of each episode on primetime news for free.

The coverage prompted leading auction house A10 by Artmark to step in and help us auction the toys and raise further funding in a dedicated public auction.

The Parliament passed a new law to prevent recidivist abuse by having convicted abusers wear electronic monitoring bracelets.

The campaign generated a 790% increase in donations compared to the previous campaign, so ANAIS was able to extend its legal and psychological counseling services to help more victims. The pay-per-view mechanic was instrumental for the increase as the theatre plays registered 2.1 million views across all platforms.

But the most important result was starting a nationwide conversation in Romania about the plague of domestic violence with 9 million media impressions in a country with a total population of just 19.2 million.
Executive Creative Director Mihai Gongu
Group Creative Director Roxana Niță
Copywriters Alexandru Iliescu, Ionuț Iordache
Art Director Ana-Ramona Tanasă
Client Service Director Carmen Miruță
Account Director Maria Trepcea
Senior Account Manager Ana Maria Rădulescu
AV Director Monica Garbur
Social Media Manager Veronica Bratu
PR Specialists Melania Răduțoiu, Ana Maria Gavrilă
Head of Development Cosmin Slăbescu
Digital Project Manager Mihai Tatu
Puppet Studio Lightwave Theatre Company
Actor and Puppeteer Petru Stratulat
Puppeteers Coordinator Cristina-Andreea Ion
Puppeteer Oana Mihaela Cercel
Production Company Les Ateliers Nomad
Creative Director Alex Petroșanu
3D Animation and Compositing Cezar Șomîtcă
2D Animation and Compositing Horia Teodor
Shooting Coordinator and Editor Radu Nechit
2D Animator/Illustrator Ana Cohuț
2D Animator Robert Erdös
Team Coordinator Matei Derșidan
DOP & Photographer Adi Bulboacă
Dance Studio Mike’s School of Dance
Dancers Răzvan Rotaru, Corina Platon
Voice Over Actors Victor Rebengiuc, Mihai Gruia Sandu, Dana Tapalagă, Medeea Marinescu, Gabriela Bobeș, Isabela Neamțu, Radu Bânzaru,
Post-production Studio Chainsaw Europe
Sound designs Hasan Nasser, Andrei Vasilache
Editors Mircea Lăcătus, Smaranda Dacian
Post-production Coordinators Oana Manea, Raluca Iutes
Music Sonic Arts Music
President Carmen Nemeș
Executive Director Mihaela Mangu
Psychotherapist Adela Szenteș