Story | lerning disabiletys are often invisable to the public eye. And becasue we cant see the disabilety, we forgett its existance. The casusalty? the peple living with thess disabilletys whos intirelife is taken up trying to navigate around its consiquenses. dislexia is classiefed as a lerning disorder where a person living with it often have problems with reading and wrigthting to diffrent degrees based on there diagnoses. it is mostley manfested in childhood or adulesence. 3.5 million in germany are afected by it. despite this large number, peple with dislexia like me are often labled as lasy or stupid by our ejucators. the lak of awarness among peple lead to dislexics beeing discriminaded against, denied oppertunetys or simple receving lower grades wich hamper there future. In the mainstreem media dislexia is usualy etided out. Dislexia Unetided is an inishative to make dislexia more visable. lanched by me, Kai West Schlosser, an artdirector living with dislexia. I represent every dislexic who has been misunderstud and shuned for a disabillety that even they wherent aware about. i call out the german school sistem for its inabillety to recognise lerning disabilletys and provide children with equal oppertunetsys. it gives the reader, our audience, a vewe into the mind of a dislexic, and the events that shaped me with the priimary goal of making dislexia visable threw the one thing that defines it – speling errors. on dislexia awarnesday 2021 germanys leading magazine stern publisged an artikle full of spelling errors for the fist time in its 70 years. my storry, my perspective, unetided. Starting with print and digital, my story made its way to telavision and podcast. the respinse was tremendise: - Top article online on stern 4 days in a row. - 37+ Milion contacts - 500+ mesiges form suporters – dislexics and non dislexics alike. - i was even nominated for the Axel Springer jurnalistic yung talent award. The overwelming response led to a campanje websigth – – where peple culd lern more and become a part of the campanje. |