Chilean Red Cross - "Earthquake" by PHNX Awards 2022

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Campaign Reunited
Advertiser Chilean Red Cross
Brand Chilean Red Cross
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 4
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Tagline #ChileanRedCross #RestoringFamilyLinks #Porta
Story Context: The purpose of the Restoring Family Links Program of the Chilean Red Cross is to find the whereabouts of missing people, restoring contact among relatives who have been separated as a result of a disaster or catastrophe. A program that is totally unknown in Chile, a country with over 7,000 seismic events a year. Idea: For this reason, and inspired in a legend that that there is a red thread connecting people who are destined to find each other, we wanted this work to represent the story of a family from the south of our country. A father and son who were reunited thanks to the program after one of the biggest natural disasters in Chilean history: THE 2010 EARTHQUAKE A work that is thanks to talent of visual artist María Lavanchy, who only used red and black thread embroidered on watercolor paper to make it. A work that today allows us to raise the visibility to a program that is a vital assistance for all Chileans.
Media Type Newspaper
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Agency Producer