Chupa Chups - "More to Explore 3" by PHNX Awards 2023

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TitleMore to Explore 3
Campaign More to Explore
Advertiser Perfetti Van Melle
Brand Chupa Chups
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 5
Business Sector Candies
Philosophy The new Chupa Chups XXL print campaign from Serviceplan Group is out of this world ‘More to Explore’, a new print and OOH campaign for Chupa Chups, visually transforms the delight of enjoying a longer-lasting lollipop into an expedition to the majestic universe of taste. The eye-catching campaign conceived by Serviceplan Group and crafted by Illusion CGI Studio made the product the star of the imagery, embracing every detail from surface to air bubbles and translucent gum core: an XXL eye-candy. Serviceplan worked closely with innovative CGI studio Illusion in Bangkok. And the mission is fruitful: stunning details combined with the vibrant colors of the four iconic Chupa Chups flavors – Cola, Apple, Strawberry and Tutti Frutti – open up imaginative new worlds, ready to be discovered.
Media Type Print
Chief Creative Officer
Global Head of Art
Art Director
Managing Partner
Photography / Illustration Illusion
Marketing Director