Dove - "Toxic Influencer" by PHNX Awards 2023

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TitleToxic Influencer
Campaign Toxic Influence
Advertiser Unilever
Brand Dove
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 4
Product Dove Masterbrand
Business Sector Hygiene & Personal Care Products
Story Shot in documentary style, this short film explores and subverts the deepest of emotional bonds – between mothers and their daughters – by using cutting-edge deepfake technology to put the words of toxic influencers into the moms’ mouths. Showcasing the shocked reactions of the moms and daughters, and depicting the uncanny deepfakes of horrifying toxic trends like teeth filing and ‘baby botox’, the film dramatically demonstrates the danger of toxic influencers and the toxic beauty advice girls are exposed to. It culminates in a rallying call that inspires parents to join Dove’s mission to raise the self-esteem of millions of girls.
Media Type Case Study
Production Company Smuggler
Media Agency Mindshare North America
PR Agency Edelman Worldwide HQ
Agency Ogilvy UK