Adam Scott
Actor / Celebrity at Gorgeous Enterprises
Portland, United States
TitleAlexa Loses Her Voice
BriefWhat would happen if Alexa lost her voice? A panicked Jeff Bezos is informed of Alexa’s illness and a number of celebrities step in: Gordon Ramsey, Cardi B, Rebel Wilson, Leslie Jones and Sir Anthony Hopkins.They all turn out to be total failures, proving just how irreplaceable Alexa is. Alexa is the voice of Amazon's AI. But what if she lost her voice? Jeff Bezos is told of Alexa's malady and reassured that a number of replacements have been found. Enter Gordon Ramsey, Cardi B, Rebel Wilson, Leslie Jones and Sir Anthony Hopkins - the latter in full Hannibal mode. None of them are suitable, because nobody does it better than Alexa.
Campaign Alexa Loses Her Voice
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Brand Amazon

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