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Title | A Time |
Brief | Anyone can become a refugee and come from anywhere - This is the insight we leveraged to build solidarity with refugees in Germany. The images of people fleeing their countries and the people fleeing Germany are eerily similar. We highlighted these enduring similarities among refugees, using analog lenticular prints and digital animations to juxtapose images over 80 years apart. Emphasising both differences and intrinsic similarities in their experiences. Each carefully selected photograph and accompanying text maximises similarity, differing by just one letter. |
Agency | FOUNDRY Berlin, Zürich and New York |
Campaign | A Time |
Advertiser | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
Brand | UNHCR |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | Subscribers Only |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Digital |
Chief Creative Officer | S...a M...r Subscribers Only |
Founder | S...a M...r Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | N....nt J..n Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | N....nt J..n Subscribers Only |
Art Supervisor | G....vo F...ão Subscribers Only |
Head of Production | G...or Wo......ber Subscribers Only |
Account Manager | R...el Subscribers Only |