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Title | Sweetheart |
Title (original language) | Mon coeur (anglais) |
Brief | The findings of a study conducted by Axa Prévention are striking, revealing the precariousness of women’s health. Often the pillar of the household, many women take on an all-encompassing role that is both organizational (managing errands, appointments, and activities) and emotional (listening and providing moral support). While focusing on their loved ones, they can easily forget about themselves to the point of putting their own health at risk. 200 women die every day in France from cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death among women.With a strong emotional dimension, this film resonates with many people without being moralistic or distressing. The repetition and double reading of the term "mon coeur" (sweetheart) embodies all the love and attention we can give someone. With this campaign, Axa Prevention raised awareness, encouraging us to take care of the hearts of those who care so much for others. |
Agency | Hungry and Foolish |
Campaign | Sweetheart |
Advertiser | Axa Prévention |
Brand | Axa Prévention |
Posted | November 2022 |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Television & Cinema |
Advertising Manager | E..c Subscribers Only |
Advertising Manager | .u F...ay Subscribers Only |
Advertising Manager | E...t Subscribers Only |
Advertising Manager | M...a Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | Em....el Fra........ugène Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | St....ane .e Subscribers Only |
Art Director | De.....ud Subscribers Only |
Account Director | M...i Subscribers Only |
Project Manager | Subscribers Only |
Agency Producer | Pa....ia C....ul Subscribers Only |
Director | S..y N...ou Subscribers Only |