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Title | Casemovie The Workers World Cup |
Brief | Human rights in Qatar were severely violated during the construction of the stadiums for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Amnesty International demands that FIFA compensate the migrant workers and their relatives with as much prize money as the world champion receives. The Workers World Cup is a 3D printed petition as a tribute to the workers in Qatar. To reinforce Amnesty's petition, we urged to help build The Workers World Cup through a signature. Each signature contributed to The Workers World Cup. |
Agency | iO Digital |
Campaign | The Workers World Cup |
Advertiser | Amnesty International |
Brand | Amnesty International Belgium Flanders |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | Subscribers Only |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Case Study |
Length | |
Account Manager | K...c Subscribers Only |
Account Manager | ..a S....ns Subscribers Only |
Executive Creative Director | ..m .e ..n Subscribers Only |
Creative Team | I..n M...s Subscribers Only |
Creative Team | H...he Subscribers Only |
3D Character | A..i W...el Subscribers Only |
3D Character | S...ic B...k Subscribers Only |
Design | A..i W...el Subscribers Only |
Design | S...ic B...k Subscribers Only |
3D Character | S...el J..s Subscribers Only |
Design | S...el J..s Subscribers Only |
Sound | ..n R...un Subscribers Only |
Direction | J...en Subscribers Only |
Director of Photography (DOP) | N..o Va.....el Subscribers Only |