Dheeraj Jindal
TitleThe Blind Faith Upgrade
BriefIndia has the 2nd largest visually-impaired population in the world, accounting for up to 7 million people. However, the number of visually-impaired-friendly accommodation facilities available in the country stands nowhere close.During the annual Urs Mubarak festival, thousands of visually-impaired pilgrims visit the holy shrine Ajmer Shareef in Ajmer city, Rajasthan, with the hope that they would be blessed with sight. In spite of the accommodation discomfort that follows, these pilgrims return every year. As a brand committed to customer service, Hotel Ramada, Ajmer noticed this unfulfilled need and wanted to step in to find a solution for these pilgrims, enabling accessible tourism for all.Thus, Hotel Ramada introduced the Blind Faith Upgrade for every visually-impaired pilgrim who checks in. One-of-a-kind Upgrade, it consists of an easy-to-assemble kit that can transform any hotel room at any hotel into a visually-impaired-friendly room, with zero infrastructural changes at the property. The Upgrade offers easy accessibility to the visually-impaired and helps them move around the hotel premises without any assistance.The Blind Faith Upgrade Kit consists of:Reusable tactile-paving tiles to help orientate guests from the hotel and its surroundings up to the location of shrine.Braille literature with an audio assist pen that uses Optical Identification to convert written language into audio.Braille-enabled labels which converts any phone into a braille-enabled phone.A new hospitality experience that began with the Blind Faith Upgrade is expected to disrupt the hospitality landscape by opening up new opportunities for the tourism sector, inviting a new set of tourists. Without any media spend, the campaign reached 3.4 million unique users, garnering earned media worth INR 6.2 million and increasing searches of Hotel Ramada by 22%. The campaign film resulted in over 6 lakh video views, and website visits up to 1 lakh users.
Campaign The Blind Faith Upgrade
Advertiser Wyndham Worldwide Corporation
Brand Hotel Ramada

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PostedFebruary 2019
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Television & Cinema
Associate Creative Director V...or Y...v Subscribers Only
Associate Creative Director A..t S...h Subscribers Only
Group Creative Director A...i ..h Subscribers Only
National Creative Director A...h Va....se Subscribers Only
Production Company F...s Ra.....aa (..w D...i) Subscribers Only
Director D....aj J...al Subscribers Only
Agency Producer ..j ..i N...i Subscribers Only

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