In a few words, can you tell us who you are and what your job title is?
Dave Edwards: SVP Managing Director, Growth US at R/GA, and amateur meteorologist.
The current price for a 30 second slot is over $5 million. In your opinion is the spend worth it?
Absolutely! I think that when consumers see a brand on the Super Bowl, and the spot is beautifully told and well-crafted, this signals their subconscious that the product must be a good one. It’s crazy but that’s how humans think.
Is there a demographic you believe Super Bowl advertisers have failed to target or a business sector that is underrepresented?
I don’t think there have been enough spots targeting meteorologists. Besides being the unsung heroes of predicting the weather, they lead in every important consumer demo that brands should covet.
Who do you think is the ‘brand to watch’ at this year’s Super Bowl?
Amazon. Their 2016 Baldwin Bowl spot for the Echo was hilarious and this Sunday, Jeff Bezos makes a cameo in ‘Alexa Loses Her Voice’. I bet most Americans won’t know who he is! Oh and it’s got Fat Amy in a bathtub so there’s that.
Do you think advertisers can benefit from taking a political/social stance in the Super Bowl?
It depends on the brand but it’s very risky. Super Bowl viewers have shown in surveys that they just want to be entertained and not think about what’s happening in the ‘real world.’
Are there any fumbled opportunities that come to mind when you think of past Super Bowl advertising?
Not leveraging digital to make the most of a Super Bowl investment and give fans a reason to engage with a brand before, during and after the game.
Eagles or Patriots?
I’m a fan of neither team, but I am leaning 75-80% towards the Eagles. If I didn’t, Kevin Kelly would never speak with me again! Ok, 90 percent!
What is your favorite Super Bowl ad of all time?
Definitely Apple’s 1984 spot. I could watch it every day.