What motivates you to be part of the PHNX Jury, and what do you hope to bring to the judging process?
To be able to know the different ways of solving a problem, I am very interested in giving feedback on the strategies they used from the Latin American point of view.
PHNX has always been about celebrating creativity in all its forms. What new perspectives or disciplines do you think deserve more recognition in award shows today?
I really like the way of telling stories, so I think there should be a prize for storytelling in general, in the presentation of an idea, of a solution. This attractive way of telling stories is an attribute that I always highlight in people.
Which countries or regions do you think are leading the creative field right now? And which emerging markets should we look out for?
North america, and countries like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uk, and China, pay attentions to countries like Perú and Bolivia
What trends or cultural shifts do you think will define the most impactful creative work this year?
AI is undoubtedly revolutionizing the way we work, so I think that if we analyze the way we create campaigns today, it will change not only the work but the culture.
If you could give one piece of advice to agencies and creatives submitting their work, what would it be?
Try to tell everything, not just the headline, not just the idea but everything you can do, translated into different media, I have seen good ideas that end up in a post
Which creative minds are inspiring you the most right now?