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Photos for Life - a charity photo bank
2014 Epica Awards - Bronze - Business to Business Direct
Direct Marketing

Photos for Life - a charity photo bank

AGENCY: Isobar Poland
BRAND: Rak'n'Roll Win Your Life! foundation
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Business to Business Direct
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Rak'n'Roll Foundation

2014 Epica Awards - Bronze - Business to Business Direct


AGENCY: Isobar Poland
BRAND: Rak'n'Roll Win Your Life! foundation
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Business to Business Direct
AWARD: Bronze

2014 Epica Awards - Bronze - Business to Business Direct


AGENCY: Isobar Poland
BRAND: Rak'n'Roll Win Your Life! foundation
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Business to Business Direct
AWARD: Bronze

2014 Epica Awards - Bronze - Business to Business Direct


AGENCY: Isobar Poland
BRAND: Rak'n'Roll Win Your Life! foundation
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Business to Business Direct
AWARD: Bronze

2014 Epica Awards - Bronze - Business to Business Direct


AGENCY: Isobar Poland
BRAND: Rak'n'Roll Win Your Life! foundation
YEAR: 2014
CATEGORY: Business to Business Direct
AWARD: Bronze

2014 Epica Awards - Bronze - Business to Business Direct