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Drowned Requiem
2021 The One Club for Creativity - Gold - Experiential Music & Sound
Music & Sound Craft

Drowned Requiem (Case Film) 120s

AGENCY: fischerAppelt AG
BRAND: United4Rescue
CATEGORY: Experiential Music & Sound
ADVERTISER: United4Rescue

2021 The One Club for Creativity - Silver - Public Relations
Health, Wellness & Pharma

Drowned Requiem (Case Film) 120s

AGENCY: fischerAppelt AG
BRAND: United4Rescue
CATEGORY: Public Relations
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: United4Rescue

2021 The One Club for Creativity - Silver - Craft / Use of Sound
Experiential & Immersive

Drowned Requiem (Case Film) 120s

AGENCY: fischerAppelt AG
BRAND: United4Rescue
CATEGORY: Craft / Use of Sound
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: United4Rescue

2021 The One Club for Creativity - Bronze - Music Adaptation / Instrumental
Music & Sound Craft

Drowned Requiem (Case Film) 120s

AGENCY: fischerAppelt AG
BRAND: United4Rescue
CATEGORY: Music Adaptation / Instrumental
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: United4Rescue

2021 The One Club for Creativity - Bronze - Events / Stunts / Competitions / Virtual - Pre-Recorded
Experiential & Immersive

Drowned Requiem (Case Film) 120s

AGENCY: fischerAppelt AG
BRAND: United4Rescue
CATEGORY: Events / Stunts / Competitions / Virtual - Pre-Recorded
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: United4Rescue