Kinsale Shark Advertising Festival Winners

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18 Feet & Rising, London
2018 Kinsale Shark Awards - Bronze - Best Re-Record of Licensed Music

Outside Is Ours

AGENCY: 18 Feet & Rising
BRAND: Kopparberg
YEAR: 2018
CATEGORY: Best Re-Record of Licensed Music
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Kopparbergs Bryggeri

2017 Kinsale Shark Awards - Shortlist - International Film - Broadcast TV, Cinema, Online/Public Awareness, Health & Safety, Political Messages
2016 Kinsale Shark Awards - Bronze Winner - Best Colour Grading
Film Craft

Love The Coast

AGENCY: 18 Feet & Rising
BRAND: National Trust
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: Best Colour Grading
AWARD: Bronze Winner
ADVERTISER: National Trust

2016 Kinsale Shark Awards - Shortlisted - Retail Stores, Supermarkets, Superstores, Malls, Petrol Station, Foodcourts