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Havas Warsaw, Warszawa
2011 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Best Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale

What a person can miss the machine will find (Film)

AGENCY: Havas Warsaw
BRAND: The Polish Federation of Cancer Survivors
CATEGORY: Best Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest
ADVERTISER: The Polish Federation of Cancer Survivors

2011 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Best Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale

What A Person Can Miss A Machine Will Find (Board)

AGENCY: Havas Warsaw
BRAND: The Polish Federation of Cancer Survivors
CATEGORY: Best Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest
ADVERTISER: The Polish Federation of Cancer Survivors

2011 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest Campaign - Household


AGENCY: Havas Warsaw
BRAND: Air Wick Freshmatic
CATEGORY: Household
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest Campaign
ADVERTISER: Reckitt Benckiser Inc.

2011 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest Campaign - Household


AGENCY: Havas Warsaw
BRAND: Air Wick Freshmatic
CATEGORY: Household
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest Campaign
ADVERTISER: Reckitt Benckiser Inc.

2011 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest Campaign - Home Furnishings, Appliances, Maintenance & Household Products


AGENCY: Havas Warsaw
BRAND: Air Wick Freshmatic
CATEGORY: Home Furnishings, Appliances, Maintenance & Household Products
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest Campaign
ADVERTISER: Reckitt Benckiser Inc.

2011 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest Campaign - Home Furnishings, Appliances, Maintenance & Household Products


AGENCY: Havas Warsaw
BRAND: Air Wick Freshmatic
CATEGORY: Home Furnishings, Appliances, Maintenance & Household Products
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest Campaign
ADVERTISER: Reckitt Benckiser Inc.