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Jung von Matt / Donau, Wien
2016 The Eurobest Awards - Gold Eurobest - Use of Design Craft: Illustration


AGENCY: Jung von Matt / Donau
BRAND: Falter Newspaper
CATEGORY: Use of Design Craft: Illustration
AWARD: Gold Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Falter Newspaper

2016 The Eurobest Awards - Silver Eurobest - Form: Digital Illustration
Digital Craft


AGENCY: Jung von Matt / Donau
BRAND: Falter Newspaper
CATEGORY: Form: Digital Illustration
AWARD: Silver Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Falter Newspaper

2016 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Form: Overall Aesthetic Design
Digital Craft


AGENCY: Jung von Matt / Donau
BRAND: Falter Newspaper
CATEGORY: Form: Overall Aesthetic Design
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Falter Newspaper

2016 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Use of Design Craft: Motion Graphics / Moving Images Design