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Herezie, Paris
2020 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Brand-led Education & Awareness

Parental Control - Amazon Prime Video

AGENCY: Herezie
BRAND: Amazon Prime Video
CATEGORY: Brand-led Education & Awareness
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Amazon Prime Video

2020 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Integrated Campaign Led by Direct


AGENCY: Herezie
BRAND: Amazon Prime Video
CATEGORY: Integrated Campaign Led by Direct
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Amazon Prime Video

2020 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Use of Social & Digital Platforms

Binge Shopping

AGENCY: Herezie
BRAND: amazon
CATEGORY: Use of Social & Digital Platforms
AWARD: Bronze

2020 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Brand-led Education & Awareness
2020 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Integrated Campaign led by Brand Experience & Activation
2020 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Use of Social & Digital Platforms