D&AD Awards

London, United Kingdom

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New Zealand
2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Direct Product & Service

Brewtroleum - The Process

AGENCY: Colenso BBDO Auckland
BRAND: DB Export
CATEGORY: Direct Product & Service
AWARD: Yellow Pencil
ADVERTISER: DB Breweries Ltd.

2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Ambient
Outdoor Advertising

Brewtroleum - The Process

AGENCY: Colenso BBDO Auckland
BRAND: DB Export
AWARD: Yellow Pencil
ADVERTISER: DB Breweries Ltd.

2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Creative Use of Media

Paradise Hill

AGENCY: FCB New Zealand
BRAND: It’s Not OK / HOME Magazine
CATEGORY: Creative Use of Media
AWARD: Yellow Pencil
ADVERTISER: Family Violence. It’s Not OK

2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Innovative Use of Mobile Technology
Mobile Marketing

Meet Clever Kash, ASB's new cashless moneybox

AGENCY: Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand
CATEGORY: Innovative Use of Mobile Technology
AWARD: Yellow Pencil

2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Brand Experience & Environments
2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Earned Media - Large Business (over 500 employees)
Integrated & Innovative Media

Do It Yoursef McWhopper

AGENCY: VMLY&R New Zealand
BRAND: Burger King + Peace One Day
CATEGORY: Earned Media - Large Business (over 500 employees)
AWARD: Yellow Pencil
ADVERTISER: Burger King + Peace One Day

2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Integrated Digital Campaigns
Digital Marketing

Do It Yoursef McWhopper

AGENCY: VMLY&R New Zealand
BRAND: Burger King + Peace One Day
CATEGORY: Integrated Digital Campaigns
AWARD: Yellow Pencil
ADVERTISER: Burger King + Peace One Day

2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Use of Integrated Media

Do It Yoursef McWhopper

AGENCY: VMLY&R New Zealand
BRAND: Burger King + Peace One Day
CATEGORY: Use of Integrated Media
AWARD: Yellow Pencil
ADVERTISER: Burger King + Peace One Day

2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Best Integrated Campaign

Do It Yoursef McWhopper

AGENCY: VMLY&R New Zealand
BRAND: Burger King + Peace One Day
CATEGORY: Best Integrated Campaign
AWARD: Yellow Pencil
ADVERTISER: Burger King + Peace One Day

2016 D&AD  - Yellow Pencil - Direct Integrated Campaigns

Do It Yoursef McWhopper

AGENCY: VMLY&R New Zealand
BRAND: Burger King + Peace One Day
CATEGORY: Direct Integrated Campaigns
AWARD: Yellow Pencil
ADVERTISER: Burger King + Peace One Day