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The Salvation Army
2015 AdFest - Gold - Ambient Promotion: Small Scale
Promo Lotus

Gift Box

AGENCY: Leo Burnett
BRAND: Crown Relocations
CATEGORY: Ambient Promotion: Small Scale
ADVERTISER: The Salvation Army

2015 AdFest - Gold - Sponsorship/Partnership Campaign
Promo Lotus

Gift Box

AGENCY: Leo Burnett
BRAND: Crown Relocations
CATEGORY: Sponsorship/Partnership Campaign
ADVERTISER: The Salvation Army

2015 AdFest - Gold - Low Budget Mailer
Direct Lotus

Gift Box

AGENCY: Leo Burnett
BRAND: Crown Relocations
CATEGORY: Low Budget Mailer
ADVERTISER: The Salvation Army

2015 AdFest - Silver - Direct Ambient: Small Scale
Direct Lotus

Gift Box

AGENCY: Leo Burnett
BRAND: Crown Relocations
CATEGORY: Direct Ambient: Small Scale
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: The Salvation Army

2015 AdFest - Silver - Packaging Design
Design Lotus

Gift Box

AGENCY: Leo Burnett
BRAND: Crown Relocations
CATEGORY: Packaging Design
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: The Salvation Army

2015 AdFest - Bronze - Best Use of Ambient: Small Scale
Media Lotus

Gift Box

AGENCY: Leo Burnett
BRAND: Crown Relocations
CATEGORY: Best Use of Ambient: Small Scale
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: The Salvation Army