Cristal Media & ADvertising Summit Winners

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Leo Burnett Toronto
2015 Cristal  - Cristal - Best brand development
Corporate & PR


AGENCY: Leo Burnett Toronto
BRAND: Always
YEAR: 2015
CATEGORY: Best brand development
AWARD: Cristal
ADVERTISER: Procter & Gamble

2015 Cristal  - Cristal - Consumer Goods
Corporate & PR


AGENCY: Leo Burnett Toronto
BRAND: Always
YEAR: 2015
CATEGORY: Consumer Goods
AWARD: Cristal
ADVERTISER: Procter & Gamble

2015 Cristal  - Sapphire - Integrated campaign driven by PR
Corporate & PR


AGENCY: Leo Burnett Toronto
BRAND: Always
YEAR: 2015
CATEGORY: Integrated campaign driven by PR
AWARD: Sapphire
ADVERTISER: Procter & Gamble

2015 Cristal  - Emerald -  Best use or integration of digital or social media
Branded Entertainment & Content


AGENCY: Leo Burnett Toronto
BRAND: Always
YEAR: 2015
CATEGORY: Best use or integration of digital or social media
AWARD: Emerald
ADVERTISER: Procter & Gamble

2015 Cristal  - Emerald - Viral Film
Digital & Mobile


AGENCY: Leo Burnett Toronto
BRAND: Always
YEAR: 2015
CATEGORY: Viral Film
AWARD: Emerald
ADVERTISER: Procter & Gamble