2019 The New York Festivals Advertising Awards Award Winners

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2019 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award  - Ambient
Direct & Collateral

Firevase - Case Film

AGENCY: Cheil Worldwide
BRAND: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

2019 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award  - Product Innovation

Firevase - Case Film

AGENCY: Cheil Worldwide
BRAND: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance
CATEGORY: Product Innovation
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

2019 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award  - Social/Environmental Good: Brand
Public Relations

Firevase - Case Film

AGENCY: Cheil Worldwide
BRAND: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance
CATEGORY: Social/Environmental Good: Brand
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance