Julian Pugsley

Julian Pugsley

Director at The Royal Budapest Film Co.
Los Angeles, United States


United States
2018 - Present (7 years 2 months)
Los Angeles, United States
2016 - Present (9 years 2 months)
Julian’s persistent attention to detail and pursuit of life’s wonderful idiosyncrasies make him a real actors’ director. He captures the nuances of his characters, whether it’s subtly observed irreverence or giant-sized lunacy. He takes boards to unexpected directions, creating thoughtful films that always honor the story.
He began directing after a highly successful career as an agency creative. After graduating from the esteemed Watford College of Advertising, Julian started his advertising career at BBH, London. It was there that he learned from some of the world’s best creative minds, working on Levis, Audi, and Moosehead Beer. But his passion for music and promos took him to CBS and Def Jam Records, where he collaborated with artists such as The Rolling Stones, Public Enemy, Mariah Carey, Big Audio Dynamite and Malcolm McLaren.
Julian then continued with his creative aspirations, working with top agencies worldwide, in Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, and New York. His agency and music experiences proved invaluable to his directing.
His work includes a wide range of cheekiness with films for Eastpak, Nokia, Time Out, MYV, Black & Decker, Above The Influence, Virgin, Mini Cooper, VW, and VHV Insurance. His style is devoted to minute perceptions of character, leading to small revelations of how life works. Julian will often collaborate directly with the creative teams to develop ideas early on. 
Paris, France
2016 (1 year)

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