Daniel CIMA

Daniel CIMA

Graphic Designer at European Investment Bank (consultant)
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

About me

I am currently working as a Senior Advisor in Corporate Identity and Brand Design for European Union institutions at the European Investment Bank, where I work for several entities, including but not limited to :

European Investment Bank - www.eib.org
European Investment Fund - www.eif.org
European Public-private partnerships Expertise Centre - www.eib.org/epec

Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions - www.jaspers-europa-info.org
EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund - www.eu-africa-infrastructure-tf.net
European Financial Stability Facility - www.efsf.europa.eu
European Stability Mechanism - www.esm.europa.eu

Some of my career highlights:

• Golden Eyes 1999
Award and international distinction for Best Advertising Production at the Audio Visual Creative Fair in Brussels from 17-20 november 1999, for a TV and Cinema Spot - "La Bâloise - Superstitious?" from Made by Sams and Samsa Film.

• Golden FPC Trophy 2000
Award and national distinction for best corporate identity design for Scancar.

• My work as a consultant for the EIB has helped to generate an increase of the demand for new and more modern products from our clients, internally and externally. As a result we have been able to slowly but steadily build a larger Graphic Team throughout the years. Starting in 2003 with one external consultant, we have been able to recruit and add to our team a total of four consultants in graphic design. This would not have been possible absent quality work, motivation, devotion and perseverance.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to send a message.

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