Viton Araùjo

Viton Araùjo

Creative Director at FCB Lisbon
Lisboa, Portugal

About me

31 years old. 12 working in advertising.

Whether for brands, publishers, magazines or just for fun, writing is my life. I wrote the book 100 Things to do After You Die (which I strongly recommend) and had my poetry published by collections, such as Poetas do Povo, Folhinha Poética, Nicotina Zine, 3 2 1 slam.

Without counting the six editions of Poetry Slam and a fondue pot I've won at the bingo when i was twelve, I've already told my mother that: I won 2 bronze lions in press (one in Copywriting Craft) represented Portugal as a Young Creative, had a Film Shortlist at Cannes, a Bronze medal at Eurobest, a Silver medal at ABP (Brazilian Advertising Association), another Silver at the FIAP (Festival Iberoamericano de la Publicidad), a Gold at the Wave Festival, a Bronze given by the Brazilian Association of Newspapers, some in-book at the CCSP (Brazilian ADC) and some work published by Luerzer's Archive. But nothing makes me prouder than my five years old son, Bernardo.

Senior Copywriter
São Paulo, Brazil
February 2006 - March 2010 (4 years 1 month)
Senior Copywriter
Porto Alegre, Brazil
April 2003 - March 2006 (2 years 11 months)


Bachelor Marketing and Advertising

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