Hugo Rodrigues

Hugo Rodrigues

CEO at Publicis Brazil
São Paulo, Brazil

About me

Elected in 2016 for the second time in a row one of the five most admired Brazilian Ad Executives, according to Agency Scope survey.
Between 2016 and 2017, led the Publicis´ team of 400 professionals through the two most important pitches of the market, winning the accounts of Carrefour and Bradesco.
In 2017, won three of his 17 Lions at Cannes, among them a Gold Lion for Heineken´s case “The Cliché”.
Raised Publicis from the 12th to the 2nd position on the ranking of the biggest agencies of the country conducted by Ibope Institute.
Ranked one of the Top 3 CEOs of the world by the global social network Creativepool (2016)
Named by GQ magazine one of the most influential Ad Executives in Brazil (2015)
Elected Creative Professional of the Year at Caboré (2014)


São Paulo, Brazil
November 2014 - Present (10 years 4 months)
CEO of Publicis Brasil, Ad Agency of the Year 2016 at Caboré - the most important award of the Brazilian communications industry.

Elected one of the 5 most prominent Ad Executives of the country for the second time in a row, according to Agency Scope survey, which interviewed the higher management of 405 advertisers. The survey is considered the most important of the advertising market

Ahead of Publicis Brasil since November 2014, led the team of 400 professionals through the two most important pitches of the market, winning the accounts of Carrefour and Bradesco.

In 2017, won three of his 17 Lions at Cannes, among them a Gold Lion for Heineken´s case “The Cliché”.

Raised Publicis from the 12th to the 2nd position on the ranking of the biggest agencies of the country conducted by Ibope Institute.

One of the Top 3 Chief Executive Officers on the ranking of the social network Creativepool (august, 2016)

One of the most influential advertising executives in Brazil, according to a survey by GQ magazine in April 2015

Caboré Award Winner as Creative Professional of the Year (2014)

In charge of communication strategies for clients such as Carrefour, Bradesco, Chevrolet, Habib’s, Heineken, Sanofi, Nestlé, P&G, SBT and Senac São Paulo.

Winner and jury member of several advertising festivals - twice at Cannes Lions (2007 and 2016) - and constantly invited to give talks to marketing professionals.
COO&Chief Creative Officer
Publicis Brasil, Salles Chemistri, Publicis Dialog
2011 - November 2014 (3 years 10 months)
Named in 2011 the first creative professional to manage all departments of three Publicis agencies - Publicis Brasil, Salles Chemistri and Publicis Dialog. One year later, those agencies were already on the Top 10 Creativity and Media Investment rankings.
Creative Vice President
Publicis Brasil, Salles Chemistri, Publicis Dialog
2008 - 2010 (2 years)
During this time, Publicis grew 47% compared to 2008, and jumped 19 positions in the Brazilian agency ranking. That was one of the biggest turnarounds in the local advertising market and the best performance among all Publicis Worldwide offices in 2009.
Creative Director
São Paulo, Brazil
2006 - 2008 (2 years)
Creative director responsible for the famous “Tô Nem Aí” and “Poeira” campaigns that shook the entire country, and helped GM conquer the sales leadership in Brazil that year.
Creative Supervisor
São Paulo, Brazil
2004 - 2006 (2 years)
One of the founders of Salles Chemistri, which in just 4 years built a solid and respectable image in the market.
São Paulo, Brazil
2002 - 2004 (2 years)

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