David Raichman

David Raichman

Executive Creative Director at Ogilvy
Paris, France

About me

Over the last 12 years, I’ve helped change the game in the creative and digital industries. Playing
with innovation, design and storytelling, I stray into the risk zone every day. That’s often thanks
to the fact that I don’t have an advertising background. Design, Philosophy and Science were my things.
They shaped my personality, and in turn my career.

I work across the OgilvyOne agency’s iconic global brands like Nestlé, Coke, IBM and Babolat.
At the same time, pushing their ideas and concepts out of many a comfort zone. When clients
say to me “Can we do that?” I know I’m onto something. My ultimate goal is to make worldwide
brands embrace initiatives that aren’t really advertising as we know it. Today, brands need an
innovative, useful role in real life.

Over the years I’ve learned to challenge rules. Everyone has to. The media environment,
consumer behaviour and the world’s needs change by the day. Passionate about ideas and
digital, I’ve won many international awards, too, from Cannes Lions to Clios.


Creative Director / Head of Ogilvy Lab Paris
OgilvyOne Worldwide
Paris, France
September 2015 - Present (9 years 6 months)
Arrivé chez Ogilvy en 2008, il est chargé de concevoir des expériences inédites pour les marques, alliant innovation technologique, UX et créativité.
Il s’occupe également de l’accompagnement et du partenariat de startups françaises et internationales (Tel Aviv, New York, Silicon Valley). Il est aussi membre de la commission « Services » de l’association Cap Digital pour la labélisation des startups. 
Il débute sa carrière en 1997 chez America Online. De 2004 à 2007, il travaille pour Hyptique Interaction Design Bureau et prend en charge la conception de nombreux projets web et muséographiques interactifs (Musée du Quai Branly, Arc de Triomphe…). Début 2008, il rejoint l’agence Ogilvy et travaille sur les enjeux de l’expérience utilisateur pour des marques comme IBM, Yahoo!, Europcar, Nestlé ou Louis Vuitton. En 2010, il se voit confier la mission de créer OgilvyLab Paris, cellule d’innovation dédiée aux services, mobilité et objets communicant pour les marques.Depuis 2012, OgilvyLab Paris devient la référence en matière d’innovation et se voit couronnée de nombreux prestigieux prix : Lions d’Or en Design pour Coca Cola en 2013, Lion d’Or de l’innovation pour la raquette connectée Babolat Play en 2014.
Master en Arts appliqués, Master en Physique fondamentale (Paris 1), Master en Sciences cognitives (Ecole Polytechnique X) 
Executive Creative Director
Levallois-Perret, France
September 2015 - Present (9 years 6 months)
Creative Director / Head of Ogilvy Lab Paris
OgilvyOne Worldwide
Paris, France
July 2012 - Present (12 years 8 months)
Part-time lecturer
GOBELINS, l'école de l'image
January 2007 - April 2013 (6 years 3 months)
Director, User Experience Design
OgilvyOne Worldwide
Paris, France
May 2011 - June 2012 (1 year 1 month)
Senior User Experience Designer
OgilvyOne Worldwide
Paris, France
May 2009 - May 2011 (2 years)
Interaction Designer
OgilvyOne Worldwide
Toronto, Canada
March 2008 - April 2009 (1 year 1 month)
Interaction designer
September 2004 - February 2008 (3 years 5 months)
Content writer / forum moderator
November 1996 - December 1998 (2 years 1 month)


Master Philosophy, Cognitive Sciences, Interaction Design

1997 - 2002 (5 years)

Master Physics

1994 - 1999 (5 years)

Trade Organizations

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