Pasha Patriki

Pasha Patriki

President, CEO at PurpleDOG Post Production
Toronto, Canada

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Sector Experience


President, CEO
With over 25 years of industry experience behind his belt, Pasha Patriki has worked his way through the industry in many creative positions. He is a member of Canadian Society of Cinematographers, where he received highest awards for his work, and a member of Canadian Media Producers Association. Pasha has founded PurpleDOG Post (originally branded as Red Square Motion) in 2010 as an answer to the lack of adequate post facilities that were able to offer affordable processing & colour-grading of the back-then-new 4K raw footage. Now in its’ second decade of steady growth, PurpleDOG Post has withstood the test of time and fluctuating industry economy, and has established itself as a first choice for many renowned and prolific filmmakers in Canada and around the globe. 
Director of Photography (DOP)

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