Séverine Bavon

Séverine Bavon

Senior Strategist at R/GA London
London, United Kingdom

About me

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Senior Strategist
London, United Kingdom
July 2018 - Present (6 years 8 months)
Strategic Planner / Design Strategist
Paris, France
2015 - Present (10 years 2 months)
Account Planner for DS Automobiles, Trainline, Orange, Fnac, Oasis, Marc Dorcel, Champomy.
Co-founder of Marcel XD, a service design consultancy : successful projects with TheFork, Orange, Scientipôle.
Strategic Planner
TBWA Paris
2013 - 2015 (2 years)

McDonald's, SNCF, iDTGV, Voyages-SNCF, Vichy, Disruption Lab, New Business.

New business, BNP, Nissan, beIN Sport, Johnson, Porto Cruz...
Copywriter & Brand Strategis - intern
Pantin, France
2011 - 2012 (1 year)
Worked on :
Canal +, Danone Waters, Universal, Disney, Lacoste, Ricard, Reckitt…
Danone Waters - Danone Baby Nutrition


Master's degree, School of communication, Summa Cum Laude

2007 - 2013 (6 years)

Bachelor in Political Sciences& Government

2009 - 2010 (1 year)

Other professional activities

School of Communication - Sciences Po

Editor in chief and journalist
2011 - 2012 (1 year)
Articles, interviews and definition of an editorial line for the school's website.

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