Robert Morris

Robert Morris

Creative at ProximityLondon
London, United Kingdom


Junior Art Director
London, United Kingdom
March 2015 - Present (10 years)
Concepts across a range of brands from Disney to the Economist.
Junior creative
London, United Kingdom
June 2013 - March 2015 (1 year 9 months)
I am an Art Director in a creative team with Ben Sawyer (the copywriter).

We have worked on a range of briefs for clients including EE, Visa, Gatwick and Gu puds. Producing creative ideas for Direct Mail, ECRM, in-store activity and new product launch.

Feel free to message me here or view our site to find out more.
Work placement
London, United Kingdom
June 2012 - June 2012 (1 second)
Along with another intern, I was given the opportunity to concept solutions to real briefs and learn about the structure of the agency.

I was invited back and chose to take another week in September, before the next term of University began. In this week I worked on a Government Flu campaign at conceptual and illustrative stages. The TV ident was aired on ITV Wales in October 2012.
Placement- Web designer/creative
March 2012 - April 2012 (1 month)
As part of a creative team of 4, I was a designer. We reviewed the curret website and suggested a more functional layout and design.

We concepted and designed the sub brand Pebbles: a childrens soft play area and suggested marketing improvements, which have been used by the climbing centre.
Freelance advertising
Newport City Council
May 2011 - May 2011 (1 second)
As a part of a creative team, with a film crew. We concepted and created a short film trying to tackle the problem of recycling in a refreshing way.

Instead of using guilt tripping tactics we used endearing puppets made from recycling, to build brand characters and a company personality. Our work was mentioned by the Newport City Council on social media and led to our team bieng the face of student recycling at the University.
Creative designer
Montagne Jeunesse
April 2011 - April 2011 (1 second)
As part of a creative team of 4, I was a designer of an interactive revamp of Montagne Jeunesse's power point presentation of the Glacial Spar face mask range, to suppliers.

The solution was a clean, image based, interactive iPad presentation.
Till Assistant
Martin McColl
October 2009 - October 2010 (1 year)
I operated the till giving me experience talking to and dealing with customers. I marked down and restocked produce.
Work Experience Placement
Birddog Ltd.
October 2008 - October 2008 (1 second)
I had a weeks work experience where I learnt about the advertising career path. I was set a task to concept, design and package a chosen product. I chose an mp3 player. I also made a lot of tea and played some mini golf! The experience was another confirmation to myself that I wanted to work in the creative industry.


Advertising Design, Creative Industry , BA 1st Class Honours

2010 - 2013 (3 years)
Skillset accredited course with modules including live briefs, client pitching, branding, marketing, emerging technologies, consumer behaviour and conceptualising.

A Level, Graphics, Fine Art, Environmental Studies, Psycology

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