Responsible for development of new innovative film productions for brands and agencies. Together with Wefilm’s team of directors, concepters and producers, the aim is to help making film(concepts) as daring and touching as possible, so people want to watch and share the content. Also active in Wefilm’s own concepts and IP that are positioned in the marked with different media partners.
Responsible for the cultural creative platform ViaHenri. ViaHenri is an inspirational platform for creatives and influencers from different disciplines. The foundation was initiated by Het PR Bureau because of its belief that getting to know people, brands and media and connecting them to each other helps everyone to progress. ViaHenri organizes and curates a variety of events through the year that gives new cultural and creative movements a stage.
Creative strategist with a specialization in branded content campaigns, content formats and influencer collaborations. Using PR-roots to create and spread authentic and relevant brand stories.
Jury spinawards 2016 - Category Digital Business Service
Gespecialiseerd op strategie en innovatie. Geef workshops, gastcolleges en presentaties over ontwikkelingen van PR en merkstrategieën, zoals het samenwerken met online influencers en het ontwikkelen van campagnestrategieën die steeds vaker de basis vinden in een krachtig en geloofwaardig verhaal.