Creative Director
Born in 1964 in Paris.
2 childrens.
Graduated from ESP ( Superior School of Advertising )
1990-2004 : BDDP, BDDP et fils, TBWA.
( Sony Playstation, BMW, Mc Donald’s, French Rail, Mc Cain, History Channel,…)
2004-2006 : Publicis.
( Club Med, Renault, SFR…)
==> first french créative to win 14 lions at Cannes.
==> first french créative to win a great price in print at Cannes ( Sony Playstation, « Rebirth »)
==> first french créative to win a 1 Silver Pencil to the D&AD ( Sony Playstation « Lara Croft »)
==> French director’s club : 10 awards.
Creative Director.
2006-2011 : Young et Rubicam.
Founder of the Six, first collectif of creative directors.
Numbers of awards won for 5 years ago : 50.
2012 : Buyideas.
Founder of a new creative agency, One Team / One Talent.
Clients : National French Federation of Football, Spotify, Roularta-l’Express groupe, National Assembly Channel, Orange Sport Tv...