- Experience in project cycles from start to finish specially those related to Digital Marketing: connecting real and virtual worlds, social media analysis and strategical management
- International experience in sales and PR
- Strong organizational skills
- Excellent communication skills
Consultancy and implementation of projects related to the integration of all the contact points of the brand with their omnichannel consumers, generating memorable experiences with them.
Transforming the way organizations build relationships with people by the creation of customer-centric strategies, managing client acquisition and loyalty, becoming cost-effective and driving revenues.
Main responsabilities include:
- Translation of the global company strategy into the local sales plan: detect and create new business opportunities for the company. Category and company prioritization, understanding of the prospect potentiality, mapping of contacts within an organization, contacting, CRM maintenance, updating of the pipeline of sales, closing of meetings and agenda organization.
- Translation of the global company strategy into the local marketing and communication plan: creation, execution and results evaluation. Detecting needs and opportunities of the company per touch point on regards the moments of the customer journey & main target. Mapping of actions per touch point and execution.
- Accounts: Help in the identification process of prospects needs, prior step for proposals creation, as well as in budgeting and project dimension. Includes support in proposals creation when needed.
Activities and Societies: European Diploma in e – Business granted by FEDMA (Federation of European Direct and Interactive Marketing).
The Master in Digital Marketing is an innovative, academically sound, practice-driven, and digital marketing-focused programme, reflecting the current challenges of the marketplace.
The main objective of the MDM is to help and support students to make the transition into strategic management, in the area of digital marketing in particular. By completing the MDM, participants gain the key skills and knowledge to evaluate, manage, and implement digital marketing strategies while strengthening their ability to face and solve complex challenges in an increasingly globalised/digitalised marketing environment.
In this context, the programme has embedded in its curriculum a clear international approach enriched with the latest trends and developments in digital marketing; two pillars that represent the foundations for tomorrow’s marketing leaders.