Founder & CCO at Darewin
Paris, France

About me

Étudiant de l’université Paris Dauphine, Wale Gbadamosi Oyekanmi se destinait à tout sauf travailler dans les industries culturelles. Ayant un intérêt pour les mathématiques, il débute sa formation universitaire dans ce domaine. En parallèle, il intègre Channel 9 (chaine de TV universitaire dauphinoise), où il y découvre la vidéo au sein d’une atmosphère entrepreneuriale, qui le poussera à remettre en question son parcours. Piqué par le virus du contenu, il décide alors de s’orienter dans l’univers des médias. Il intègre alors l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne en management des médias (aujourd’hui Master 2 Droit, Economie et gestion de l’Audiovisuel).

En parallèle, il réalise différents stages au sein de TF6, Endemol et rejoint la société de production Coyote Conseil. Décidé à réaliser un voyage autour du monde, Wale Gbadamosi Oyekanmi se décide à parcourir le monde, accompagné de son appareil photo et de sa bonne humeur. À son retour, il continue la création de programme, en produisant notamment une web-série sur le milieu du street art berlinois pour Canalplus.fr. Fermement décidé à acquérir davantage de compétences en digital, il se forme au sein de l’agence de publicité indépendante Buzzman, en tant que community manager et chargé des relations presse. Après une demande qu’il lui avait faite et pour laquelle aucune réponse professionnelle n’était présente, il décide de quitter ses fonctions au sein de Buzzman pour créer, en novembre 2011, sa propre agence de communication digitale : Dare.Win.
La société petit à petit se développe et commence à travailler avec les plus grands : Netflix (et la campagne Narcos), Spotify, Red bull. Aujourd’hui Dare.Win est une société de 47 salariés, des bureaux ont été ouverts à Berlin et prochainement aux Etats-Unis.


TV contributor
BFM business
October 2017 - Present (7 years 5 months)
Member of the Real Time Academy of Short Form Arts & Sciences
August 2015 - Present (9 years 7 months)
The Academy exists to discover the best and most innovative uses of real time media. Comprised of leaders in technology, marketing, business and culture, the Real Time Academy of Short Form Arts & Sciences plays a vital role in choosing the winners of the Shorty Awards, honoring the best people and organizations on social media.
Founder & CEO
Paris, France
November 2011 - Present (13 years 4 months)
France's leading (and creative !) social TV agency - Team of 8

Our job : creative campaigns engaging viewers before, during and after a TV show

Our tools : websites, (mobile) apps, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Tumblr, viewers & out-of-the-box ideas

Our clients : broadcasters, producers and celebrities
CANAL+, France 2, M6, TMC, NT1, France 4, ARTE, Zodiak Media Group, Zadig, My Box

• Le Grand Journal": consultancy & Facebook and Twitter strategy and copywriting
• "bref. app" : 750K downloads http://vimeo.com/54745307
• "capote 3000 / bref." : 700K visits & datacatching
• "biographie bref." (MyBox) : 1st timeline biography for a TV character ( Facebook )

• "Fort Boyard" (ALP) : "Père Fouras, community manager"
-> Trending Topic, national press coverage : Huffington Post, 20 minutes, Ouest France ...

• "Agora de 28 minutes"(ALP) -> second screen plateform curating live tweets

• "Ainsi Soient Ils" (Zadig) : ainsisoientils.tubmlr.com

• "So You Think You Can Dance": first real time show from production to air on Fb and Twitter
• "Vampire Diaries": First TV trailers featuring fan tweets and comments (14 weeks)
-> Online records (videos and visits), media coverage, Trending Topic and fans recruitment

• "The Walking Dead": First zombie attack on Twitter
-> 30K attacks & international coverage https://vimeo.com/59526905 (password : v7)

• "Bachelor": social media strategy (blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) - on going
-> Week's most commented new series in the world http://bit.ly/12zhOFi , Trending Topic

• "Fringe": online chase of the Observer (blogs, website, Facebook and Twitter)

=> Now France's 5th most hashtagged TV word in 2012 - Source : Twitter (http://bit.ly/SawaIq)

STUDIO BAGEL (Youtube content channel) : Youtube's first live housewarming party
-> Facebook and Youtube recruitment

#MONTREUXCOMEDY: 1st comedy festival in 140 characters w/ a Twitter Hashtag page
-> 5 M contacts, Trending topic and fan recruitment
Founder and CCO
Paris, France
November 2011 - Present (13 years 4 months)
I took Dare.Win from a one person entertainment agency to an international award-winning group offering communication & consulting services to entertainment and content brands .


- Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, Yahoo
- Ubisoft, Blizzard, ARTE, SFR, France Télévisions, France Info, TV5 Monde, France 24
- Babybel, Air France, Hermès
Digital trends reporter for the Show "Rendez vous au maquis"
April 2014 - June 2014 (2 months)
Presenting digital trends in Africa on the TV show "Rendez au Maquis"
Account and corporate community and PR Manager
Paris, France
September 2010 - October 2011 (1 year 1 month)
"World Best international small agency 2011" by Advertising Age

International accounts : DUREX (Middle-East - easy, right ?), TIPP-EX (Europe / http://bit.ly/VWZmo9), BIC (Europe)

Local accounts : GOOGLE, AXE / LYNX (Unilever), Hotmail , Windows7, auFeminin.com

• PR (journalists and bloggers) and Social media strategy (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, events)
• Performance-oriented project management
• Account management
• Tracking, performance-oriented reporting and case study production
Digital and content producer, Buzz Marketing
June 2010 - August 2010 (2 months)
Concept : "The 1st team selling grass to make it to the World Cup in S. Africa"

Project management : website, PR and social media strategy (blog, Youtube, Facebook et twitter) and business development

Content production : videos of football flash mobs, pictures of celebrity endorsement

Results (in 40 days) :
• TV, radio, online and corporate coverage (RTL, Europe1,F. Inter, NRJ, LCI, I>Télé, TF1.fr, FFF)
• 4000 euros and 2 tickets and trips to see the World Cup finals in South Africa

Budget : 0 $
Online content production - CANALPLUS.FR
November 2009 - February 2010 (3 months)
Creation and production management of the street art webseries Street Of(f) (36 x 2’) for CANALPLUS.FR
Pitch, Art direction supervision, team hiring, directing, post-production management
TV Creative executive
Coyote Conseil
April 2005 - February 2010 (4 years 10 months)
Created local and international TV format for major networks (TF1, M6, Canal+) among which the format "Qui sera le meilleur ce soir" sold in Europe

Brainstorming, pitching, writing and adapting TV formats
Benchmarking and talent scouting
Content and technology trendspotting
World traveller
March 2007 - October 2008 (1 year 7 months)
Picchu -> Salvadore -> NYC and more...
Gathering "Photo-message" around the world for a personal travel blog
www.worldwale.com + http://tinyurl.com/28zy3nf

Countries : India, Nepal, China, Japan, Myanmar, Thailande, Singapor, Indonesia, Australia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Spain, Germany

Learned Spanish in Madrid (5 months) and explore Street art in Berlin (1.5 month)
And so many more adventures !
Artistic Coordination
April 2004 - October 2004 (6 months)
Star Academy 4 : weekly prime time preparation and coordination (surprises, tracklisting, performances)
Celebrity Farm (La Ferme) : format adaptation for the French marketing with new rules and twits
Programme Acquisition
July 2003 - September 2003 (2 months)
US and European TV shows screening (nearly 6 hours day)
Broadcast programming recommandations
International TV benchmarking


Master's degree Field Of Study Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management

2004 - 2005 (1 year)
Entertainment production, finance, marketing and law

Master's degree Arts, Entertainment and Media Management

2004 - 2005 (1 year)

Master's degree Field Of Study Marketing/Marketing Management, General

2002 - 2004 (2 years)
Activities and Societies: Président of Channel 9 - university TV channel (2004) and TV host (2004-2005) Business and management degree with a major in Marketing

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