Diana Caverly

Diana Caverly

Global Chief Strategy Officer at MRM
Greater Detroit Area, United States

About me

Experienced global strategist, with a consistent track record of building brand stories that win in culture, reshape categories and fast track business growth. Winner of ~ 50 Effies (including 4 Grand Effies), Cannes Effectiveness, Eurobest Effectiveness and Warc Award for Innovation. Proud to have most campaigns awarded both in creative (Cannes, Eurobest, Clio, One Show, Golden Drum) and effectiveness award shows, proving the strong connection between strategic & creative excellence I live by. Juror in Effies and Euro Effies.

The Directory global Big Won Rankings - Top 50 Planning Directors 2015 (#14 Planning Director in the World), based on the annual global survey of the best agencies/ campains/ contributors of the year as measured by the quantity and quality of the awards won). Included in The Business Magazine “Most powerful women in Romania” top.

Extensive experience in telecom, retail and financials (~10 years for Vodafone & MasterCard, 5 years for Bite Group in the Baltics), leading brand strategies at a local, regional (CEE for MasterCard, KFC, The Coca-Cola Company) and global level (Chevrolet, Beko, Julius Meinl).

Dedicated more than a decade to making McCann Bucharest a global creative hub, the most awarded agency in New Europe and a constant presence in The Gunn Report, through meaningful business cases of cultural vision and fearlessness in challenging norms or mentalities. Passionate globetrotter and non-fiction cinema scholar, I am constantly focused on the relationship between culture and commerce.

  • Romanian - Native
  • English - Pro
  • French - Basic
  • Spanish - Basic

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