Marek Lis

Marek Lis

CEO at Alchemy Insights
New York, United States

About me

Marek’s entire career has been at the intersection of business and creativity. A seasoned ad guy who has seen the good, bad and ugly of agency engagement and has the scars to prove it. He has 30+ years of successfully growing agencies in Australia and the US before turning his full attention to Collaborations Architecture.

He helps teams identify and eliminate the obstacles in getting to great work through a combination of pioneering methodology and good old-fashioned facilitation. His clients have seen their collaborations, the work and their business results, significantly improve.

He especially thrives on seeing the change in people when they themselves have come to a new understanding of how things can be and the renewed energy and drive that follows. Hence the inspiration for “Alchemy”.


New York, United States
2008 - Present (17 years 2 months)
I help enterprises who use creativity as their currency to help make the "work" work.

I improve their ability to collaborate with their agency partners and their own teams to direct work that impacts culture and changes behavior.

I also work with agencies to get to the work quicker, increase profitability, improve client relationships and attract amazing talent.

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