editor at INfluencia
PARIS, France

About me

Isabelle Musnik is the founder and ceo of the French leading magazine INfluencia and its daily electric newsletter, dedicated to influence, behaviour and trends in France and abroad
She is a former editor of the French magazine CB News, which she joined in September 1986. During that time she also worked from time to time for its television programme Culture Pub. She left in October 2003 and launched influencia in January 2004.
Isabelle was also the editor of the Gunn Report for Media, which combines the winners lists from all of the world’s most important award contest, thus to establish the annual worldwide league tables for the communications industry in terms of media creativity, i.e the best agencies, the best networks, the most awarded advertisers…according to the consensus judgement of the juries serving at the world’s top shows.

Before CB News, she used to work for the economics and financial press including La Vie Financière (ex Vie Française) and l’Expansion. She was also a correspondent for the European Magazine Media & Marketing Europe and occasionally wrote for Advertising Age. Between 1976 and 1978 she undertook the first studies on the EU's student exchange Erasmus project.

Isabelle is both British and French. She has a masters' degree in economics from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), a marketing diploma of the European Business School and diplomas in management from the British and German Chambers of Commerce.

She has written three books:
Elysée 88: plus président que moi, tu meurs, 1988 (Plon).
Tapie, les secrets de sa réussite, 1986 (Plon)
Le luxe demain, les nouvelles règles du jeu, 2019, (Dunod), (with Yves Hanania and Philippe Gaillochet).

She has a daughter and loves classical music, especially opera.

Sector Experience


rédactrice en chef
Guide du Luxe
2009 - Present (16 years 2 months)
Gunn Report for Media
June 2004 - Present (20 years 9 months)
The Gunn Report for Media combines the media competitions winners lists from all of the world's most important award contests so as to establish an annual, worldwide 'league' tables. The report examines several categories, including the most creative media agency, media network, advertiser and country activity.
Fondatrice, présidente et éditrice
Paris, France
2004 - Present (21 years 2 months)
INfluencia is a daily online newspaper AND a paper magazine appearing every three months , together with its digital version. We cover trends, marketing, consumers' behaviour, influence...
CB News
September 1986 - October 2003 (17 years 1 month)


licence, economy

1970 - Present (55 years 2 months)

Trade Organizations

ACT Responsible, Chalais

ACT'ive Partner
June 2006 - Present (18 years 9 months)

Other professional activities

PHNX Tribute 2020

Awards Jury Member

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