Anke Roell

Anke Roell

Senior Copywriter at Ogilvy Berlin/Germany
Berlin, Germany


Senior Copywriter
Ogilvy Berlin
January 2011 - Present (14 years 2 months)
Working on: Coca-Cola (Germany & Western Europe), Fanta, Milka (Europe), Gesicht Zeigen! e.V. (anti-racism NGO)
Previous clients: Coke light, Sprite, Sternburg Bier, ING-DiBa (Dutch Bank), BILD am SONNTAG (Germany's biggest Sunday newspaper), Schöfferhofer Weizen (Beer), Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation Fürs Leben (Organ Donation Foundation)
Pitches won: Coca-Cola, Coke light, Fanta, ViO, BILD am SONNTAG, Philips (@Ogilvy London)
People I've learned from: Birgit van den Valentyn, Tim Stübane, Felix Fenz, Stephan Vogel
Senior Copywriter
Jung von Matt / Fleet
Hamburg, Germany
October 2010 - December 2010 (2 months)
Working on: DER SPIEGEL (Germany's leading news magazine), Almdudler (Lemonade), Allgäuer Latschenkiefer (Natural cream), Sixt (Germany's car rental No. 1), Deutsche Post
Pitches won: Allgäuer Latschenkiefer
People I've learned from: Dörte Spengler-Ahrens
Berlin, Germany
2005 - 2010 (5 years)
Working on: IKEA, Volkswagen, BOSCH Home Appliances (Europe), Deutsche Bahn (German Rail), Nike, BUNTE (Society Magazine), Volkswagen Coaching, Volkswagen Dealers
Pitches won: Deutsche Bahn, BOSCH, Volkswagen Coaching, Volkswagen Dealers
People I've learned from: Birgit van den Valentyn, Tim Stübane, Stefan Schulte, Amir Kassaei
Concepteur / rédacteur
Munich, Germany

Other professional activities

PHNX Tribute 2020

Awards Jury Member

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