Razvan Capanescu
Global Executive Creative Director at Inside Ideas Group
London, United Kingdom

Razvan Capanescu Interview(s)


How has the shift towards more responsible or politically correct advertising impacted your work? 

Not that much, in all honesty. Because paying attention to bigotry, racism or gender equality was something I've always believe in and also been educated to dismiss in this job ever since I joined. Maybe just the beer ads became a bit less racy, but then again that's what happens when you test your creative executions in focus groups.

When have you used a more provocative or even risky approach to get a response from the audience?

I have this chance and I push for it every year. Just because the audience these days is bombarded with info and tends to snooze most advertising messages.
Recently, my team and I created a campaign that calculates the negative energy spent in writing hateful post against refugees in the online and donates the equivalent amount in positive energy (electricity) to refugee camps. Haters receive a "thank you for your donation" reply.

Can you give some examples of advertisers that have adopted a responsible approach but remained creative (eg. Heineken and its “drink responsibly” messages).

Barbie (pushing for diversity now and changing the beauty standards inoculation from childhood), Diesel ("go with the flaw"), L'Oreal (self-worth and anti-ageing campaign).

What’s an example of a popular ad that simply couldn’t be done today?

All the cigarettes ads - like Lucky Strike - "recommended by the doctor, it's toasted, it's easier on your throat), or some of the sexist ads by Budweiser, or "show her it's a man's world" by Van Heusen, or the objectifying commercial by lots of the Swiss watches commercials form the 90s.

How is the digital environment affecting the boundaries of what can and can’t be said in advertising?

I think a truth well told, will always be a truth well told. The digital environment is rather helping what can be said - provides emojis, GIFs, or extended/ directors cut versions of the ad, which you could't use in other channels.

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