Nicolás Monroy

Nicolás Monroy

Global Brand coordinator at Juan Valdez Cafe
Bogotá, Colombia

About me

Do you remember Guardiola's tiki taka?
A practical, innovative and creative soccer, capable of telling us a story with its game strategy and showing us that it is not a difficult sport if it is executed correctly.

That's how I like to work. I have 5 years of experience telling great stories in advertising agencies and important brands, joining simple words and concepts, that when put together create a master play that makes our target audience enjoy and the brand that trusts in our game win.

I am oriented to the achievement of measurable and verifiable goals and objectives in the planning and development of strategies in the different sales channels, through autonomous and team work, based on my creative and analytical skills.

Words are my greatest ally in the creation of relevant concepts and campaigns

  • English - Pro


Global Brand Coordinator
Juan Valdez Cafe
2020 - Present (5 years 2 months)


especialista en gerencia estratégica de marca

2021 - November 2022 (1 year 10 months)

Other professional activities

PHNX 2023

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2024

Awards Jury Member

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