Luisa Montalvo

Luisa Montalvo (Montalvo Arroyave)

CEO at Marquillería Urbana
Medellín, Colombia

About me

Brand strategist with more than 20 years of experience in Branding and Marketing. I have training in marketing and advertising, which has allowed me to work as a planner in agencies and a consultant for brands.
More than 15 years of experience in university teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate) in marketing, Branding, experiential marketing, strategic advertising planning and communication.
In my studies I highlight the specialization (UPB) and master's degree in marketing (ESUMER) and the doctorate in strategic communication, advertising and public relations from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. And a lot of certifications in marketing, branding, design and advertising.
I have some articles on Branding and communication (more are coming), a published book and another in progress (advices about the subject are received).
Main topics (teaching and presentations): Experiential Branding, Lovebrands, Brand Strategy and Management.
Featured publication: Brand manual for SMEs.

  • Spanish - Native
  • English - Pro


University Professor
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín
January 2023 - Present (2 years 2 months)
Research teacher in the following subjects: Marketing, brand strategy, strategic planning, brand planning and research, advertising strategy, conceptualization of advertising campaigns, advertising analysis, corporate identity and branding, creative processes, innovation laboratory, semiotics and semiology.
Degree thesis direction. Direction of labor practices processes.
Strategic planning of the academic program "Advertising".
Research in branding, marketing, advertising, consumer behavior and consumption.
University Professor
Politécnico Grancolombiano, Medellín
July 2022 - Present (2 years 8 months)
Research teacher in the following subjects: Marketing, brand strategy, advertising strategy, advertising trends, advertising analysis.
Research in branding, marketing, advertising, consumer behavior and consumption.
University Professor
University of Medellin
February 2012 - July 2022 (10 years 5 months)
Research teacher in the following subjects: Marketing, brand strategy, strategic planning, experiential marketing and neuromarketing, brand planning and research, emphasis on brand, advertising strategy, conceptualization of advertising campaigns, advertising trends, advertising analysis.
Direction of postgraduate training in "specialization in brand management" and "master's degree in brand communication".
Postgraduate coordination of the Faculty of Communication.
Research in branding, marketing, advertising, consumer behavior and consumption.
University Professor
Universidad EAFIT, Medellín
February 2008 - June 2016 (8 years 4 months)
Research teacher in the following subjects: Brand strategy, Experiential marketing, Product development, Brand communication.
Research in branding, marketing, advertising, consumer behavior and consumption.
Feeling Company, Medellín
August 2012 - July 2013 (11 months)
Strategic planner for the DUX Cookies - Nutresa account.
Accompaniment to the strategic and accounts process of Haceb and Noel.
Account Executive
ECO Agency
January 2011 - July 2012 (1 year 6 months)
- Achievement of new commercial projects.
- Marketing project management.
- Monitoring and control of marketing projects.
- Creative-strategic support in projects related to virtual and interactive marketing.
- Support in the management of events for clients such as EPM, UNE Telecomunicaciones (national), UNE Comunicaciones, Ruta N, Discovery Networks.


Doctor in Strategic Communication, Advertising and Public Relations

February 2019 - May 2024 (5 years 3 months)
Doctorate in Strategic Communication, Advertising and Public Relations Research Line: Branding, Marketing, Advertising and Consumer PhD degree project: "What's behind a Lovebrand? Proposal for a model for creating and managing memorable brands".

Master of Marketing

July 2013 - November 2015 (2 years 4 months)
Master in Marketing (Emphasis in Consulting) Master's Degree Project: “PROPOSAL FOR DESIGNING A CORPORATE RELATIONSHIP PLAN WITH A COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER -LOS MOLINOS SHOPPING CENTER-” ESUMER University Institution. February 2016.

Marketing Management Specialist

June 2009 - November 2010 (1 year 5 months)
Specialization in Marketing Management (Promotional Emphasis) Specialization Degree Project: “PROPOSAL FOR A BRAND EXPERIENCE MODEL FOR HYPERMARKETS IN MEDELLÍN IN LIGHT OF THE BERND SCHMITT MODEL” Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. October 2010.

Marketing and Advertising Administration

February 2001 - February 2006 (5 years)
Professional degree in Marketing and Advertising Administration. Emphasis on marketing strategy. - Professional Degree Project: “CITY MARKETING: PROPOSAL FOR PROMOTION OF THE CITY OF MEDELLIN AS A TOURIST DESTINATION FROM ITS CULTURAL MANIFESTATIONS” Autonomous University Foundation of the Americas. December 2005. - Technology Degree Project: “PROPOSAL FOR ASSEMBLY OF THE CONSULTING AND ADVISORY CENTER IN MARKETING AND ADVERTISING C.C.A.M.P.” Autonomous University Foundation of the Americas. June 2004.

Other professional activities

University of Palermo, C1175ABT CABA

June 2013 - Present (11 years 9 months)
Constant presence at the Latin American Design Meeting, with presentations and talks on Marketing, Branding, Experiential Marketing, Brand Models.


January 2010 - Present (15 years 2 months)
Consulting and advice for brands in creation and management processes.

PHNX 2024

Awards Jury Member

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