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Leo Burnett Argentina, Buenos Aires
2016 The One Club for Creativity - Gold Pencil - Innovation - Ambient (Indoor & Outdoor) / Ambient (Indoor & Outdoor)
2016 The One Club for Creativity - Gold Pencil - CSR - Environmental / Immersive Design / Environmental / Immersive Design
2016 The One Club for Creativity - Gold Pencil - CSR - Ambient (Indoor & Outdoor) / Ambient (Indoor & Outdoor)
Print & Outdoor

The Safety Truck

AGENCY: Leo Burnett Argentina
BRAND: Samsung
YEAR: 2016
CATEGORY: CSR - Ambient (Indoor & Outdoor) / Ambient (Indoor & Outdoor)
AWARD: Gold Pencil

2016 The One Club for Creativity - Silver Pencil - Innovation - Environmental / Immersive Design / Environmental / Immersive Design
2009 The One Club for Creativity - Silver - Public Service - Outdoor and Posters - Single