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Havas Amsterdam, Amstelveen
2013 The Eurobest Awards - Silver - Best use or integration of user-generated content
Branded Content & Entertainment

Metropole Tweetphony

AGENCY: Havas Amsterdam
BRAND: The Metropole Orchestra
CATEGORY: Best use or integration of user-generated content
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Metropole Orchestra

2013 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Best Use of Social Media

Metropole Tweetphony

AGENCY: Havas Amsterdam
BRAND: The Metropole Orchestra
CATEGORY: Best Use of Social Media
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Metropole Orchestra

2013 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Best Use of Social Media

Metropole Tweetphony

AGENCY: Havas Amsterdam
BRAND: The Metropole Orchestra
CATEGORY: Best Use of Social Media
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Metropole Orchestra