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Try Reklamebyrå, Oslo
2013 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Best use of special events and stunt/live advertising
2013 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Charities, public  health & safety & public awareness messages
2013 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Best Use of Live Events, Stunts, Celebrity Endorsements
2013 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Best use or integration of experiential events
Branded Content & Entertainment

Taxi Stoltenberg

AGENCY: Try Reklamebyrå
BRAND: Arbeiderpartiet (Labour Party)
CATEGORY: Best use or integration of experiential events
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Arbeiderpartiet

2013 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Internet Film

Taxi Stoltenberg

AGENCY: Try Reklamebyrå
BRAND: Arbeiderpartiet (Labour Party)
CATEGORY: Internet Film
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Arbeiderpartiet

2013 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze - Ambient: Stunts & Live Advertising

Taxi Stoltenberg

AGENCY: Try Reklamebyrå
BRAND: Arbeiderpartiet (Labour Party)
CATEGORY: Ambient: Stunts & Live Advertising
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Arbeiderpartiet