2011 Cristal Media & ADvertising Summit Award Winners

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2011 Cristal  - Grand Cristal NGAd

What a person can miss the machine will find (Film)

AGENCY: Havas Warsaw
BRAND: The Polish Federation of Cancer Survivors
AWARD: Grand Cristal NGAd
ADVERTISER: The Polish Federation of Cancer Survivors

2011 Cristal  - Cristal - Transport / Tourism / Travel
2011 Cristal  - Cristal - Drive to store / to eShop
2011 Cristal  - Cristal - Great Causes / Public interest

What a person can miss the machine will find (Film)

AGENCY: Havas Warsaw
BRAND: The Polish Federation of Cancer Survivors
CATEGORY: Great Causes / Public interest
AWARD: Cristal
ADVERTISER: The Polish Federation of Cancer Survivors