2020 MAD STARS Award Winners

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Wunderman Thompson, Bangkok
2020 MAD STARS - Grand Prix

#StayHome Miles Exchange

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Thai Airways
AWARD: Grand Prix
ADVERTISER: Thai Airways

2020 MAD STARS - Gold - Social Insight & Engagement: Audience Targeting
AD STARS: Social & Influencer

Lonely Rambutan

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Malee
CATEGORY: Social Insight & Engagement: Audience Targeting
ADVERTISER: Malee Enterprise Co Ltd

2020 MAD STARS - Gold - Use of Direct Marketing: giveaways, print Use of digital in a direct marketing
2020 MAD STARS - Silver - Activation Use of Brand Experience : campaign (e.g. Use of digital in a promotional
AD STARS: Brand Experience & Activation

#StayHome Miles Exchange

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Thai Airways
CATEGORY: Activation Use of Brand Experience : campaign (e.g. Use of digital in a promotional
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Thai Airways

2020 MAD STARS - Silver - Use of Mobile: Government Use of Mobile Applications
AD STARS: Mobile

#StayHome Miles Exchange

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Thai Airways
CATEGORY: Use of Mobile: Government Use of Mobile Applications
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Thai Airways

2020 MAD STARS - Silver - Use of Media: Use of mobile devices

#StayHome Miles Exchange

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Thai Airways
CATEGORY: Use of Media: Use of mobile devices
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Thai Airways

2020 MAD STARS - Silver - Sectors: Government Drinks (alcoholic & non-alcoholic)
2020 MAD STARS - Bronze - Use of Media: Entertainment & Use of social in a media campaign

Lonely Rambutan

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Malee
CATEGORY: Use of Media: Entertainment & Use of social in a media campaign
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Malee Enterprise Co Ltd

2020 MAD STARS - Bronze - Sectors: Finance / Services

#StayHome Miles Exchange

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Thai Airways
CATEGORY: Sectors: Finance / Services
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Thai Airways

2020 MAD STARS - Bronze - Activation Use of Brand Experience:
AD STARS: Brand Experience & Activation

The Everyday Sponsorships for Heineken 0.0

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Heineken 0.0
CATEGORY: Activation Use of Brand Experience:
AWARD: Bronze

2020 MAD STARS - Bronze - Sectors: Equipments / Drinks (alcoholic & non-alcoholic)
2020 MAD STARS - Bronze - Use of Brand Experience: Government Use of promotional
AD STARS: Brand Experience & Activation

The Everyday Sponsorships for Heineken 0.0

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Heineken 0.0
CATEGORY: Use of Brand Experience: Government Use of promotional
AWARD: Bronze

2020 MAD STARS - Crystal - Use of Direct Marketing: Use of social in a direct marketing
AD STARS: Direct

Lonely Rambutan

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Malee
CATEGORY: Use of Direct Marketing: Use of social in a direct marketing
AWARD: Crystal
ADVERTISER: Malee Enterprise Co Ltd

2020 MAD STARS - Crystal

Dear Client, Thank You For Cancelling Our Work

AGENCY: Wunderman Thompson
BRAND: Krating Daeng
AWARD: Crystal

2020 MAD STARS - Crystal - Free-format Ambient (Non standard: Experience Small Scale Special Solutions