Keir Simons

Keir Simons

Senior Account Manager at SapientRazorfish
London, United Kingdom


Senior Account Director - Harley-Davidson (EMEA)
London, United Kingdom
October 2013 - Present (11 years 5 months)
Account Director - BSkyB
London, United Kingdom
November 2010 - October 2013 (2 years 11 months)
Responsible for managing two teams on Sky’s Customer Management account. Producing comms to fight churn by active retention, win back customers and deliver service led messages. Previously managed Sky’s Retail account.
Senior Account Manager
Digital and Direct
March 2010 - November 2010 (8 months)
Lead project manager for Sky Retail’s complex monthly national campaigns. A hands-on, fast-paced account that involved working under pressure and turning work around very quickly.
Account Manager
Digital and Direct
October 2008 - March 2010 (1 year 5 months)
Working across both the Sky Homes and Sky Ireland accounts delivering a variety of collateral for print, press, online and POS.
Account Executive
London, United Kingdom
September 2005 - February 2008 (2 years 5 months)
Producing below-the-line materials for Honda Motor Europe including brochures, point-of-sale and direct mail pieces for the pan-European market. Learned a variety of skills working on wide-ranging complex campaigns.


BA hons (2.1) Marketing Design, Marketing

2001 - 2004 (3 years)

1994 - 2000 (6 years)

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