Sarah Tille

Sarah Tille

Senior Account Manager at SapientRazorfish
London, United Kingdom


Senior Account Manager
London, United Kingdom
May 2013 - Present (11 years 10 months)
TTL campaign management for clients including: Sky & Harley-Davidson
Account Manager
Dawson Walker Communications
September 2006 - May 2013 (6 years 8 months)
Managing B2B and B2C integrated marketing & communications campaigns for a range of global brands including Shell International, Airbus & Nestlé
EMEA STG Marketing Assistant & Event Coordinator
July 2004 - September 2005 (1 year 2 months)
Working with business partners and software vendors across the EMEA territories managing all marketing and event activity.
Front of House staff
July 2001 - July 2004 (3 years)
Bar & Waitressing Staff


BSc(Hons), Sociology, Culture and New Media

2002 - 2006 (4 years)

A Levels, Sociology, Art, Geography, Economics

2001 - 2002 (1 year)

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